Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Top 8 Tips To Make Your South Tampa Home Safe And Healthy

Top 8 Tips To Make Your South Tampa Home Safe And Healthy

We often say “There is no place like home” and yet our homes can be unexpectedly dangerous places with the possibility of either environmental hazards or safety issues.

Here are safety and healthy tips for your South Tampa home.

Our homes may contain harmful chemicals such as lead-based paint, radon, molds, formaldehyde or similar substances that can cause health problems. Homes may also have safety hazards such as unstable stairs, creaky floors and pools that may cause unwanted injuries and accidents. It is very important to check the health and safety of our homes before they are listed. If you are a first time home buyer, it is strongly recommended that you get a home inspection when considering homes for sale in South Tampa area. You can also visit my website at to get more home buyer or seller tips.

Here are great tips to keep your home safe and healthy:

1. Check that your windows are not painted or nailed shut so that in case of a fire or an emergency, you can escape through the windows.
2. Install a fence around the pool to keep unsupervised children from getting into the pool.
3. Make an emergency evacuation plan and include at least two routes to exit the home.
4. Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms in all levels of your home. Check the alarms regularly.
5. Keep your hallways, bathrooms and stairs well-lit especially during night time to prevent trips, slips and falls.
6. Keep your home pest free by maintaining its cleanliness. Keep it dry to discourage growth of molds.
7. Keep your South Tampa home free of harmful chemicals. Choose quality, eco-friendly materials over cheap and substandard ones.
8. Store pesticides properly to avoid unwanted inhalation. Avoid storing these in living spaces.

If you are still uncertain on how healthy and safe your home is, seek an expert’s advice. Educate yourself on potential hazards and how to prevent them from happening in your home. Home safety does matter for buyers checking out South Tampa area real estate for sale.

Are you looking for someone to partner with you in selling your South Tampa home for sale? Get the latest news on the real estate market before listing your home. Call me, Mary G. Diaz at 813-245-9677, and I will help you get the most out of your home sale. 


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